Space Cushion
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Space Cushion


Blending an eclectic mix of hard rock, pop, and punk, Space Cushion brings a sound and performance charged with energy and emotion. With a set encompassing a 50/50 blend of original material and cover songs spanning five decades of rock n roll, they’re sure to be a crowd-pleasin’ good time!

While most rock songs are like a well-crafted beer or wine, Space Cushion's are like shots of whiskey: simple yet hard-edged; they go down fast and hit ya in the gut. Hours later, you're still reeling from the effects.

Hailing from Austin, Texas, Space Cushion is a rockin’ power trio comprised of Austin music-scene veterans who have gotten together through their passion for music to shake off the cobwebs of the 9 – 5 life for at least a few hours.


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