With a voice that can go from sweet as a lover's lips to stripping paint off a MoPac freight train at 20 paces, combined with a no retreat no surrender guitar style there is no more authentic Texas blues man than Matthew Robinson
Matthew Robinson, has been recognized by the 2016 Living Blues Critics and Readers Poll Awards as 2016’s “Artist Deserving More Attention.” Robinson is in stellar company appearing alongside blues legends Buddy Guy, Otis Clay, Bobby Rush, and Allen Toussaint on the 2016 Critics Poll list.
Born and bred in segregated Texas, forced to pick cotton as a child, thrown out of his house at the point of a gun by his father at age 12, Matthew Robinson found safety singing in the St. James Baptist Church Choir in East Austin. In 1964 he started his first band as singer with The Mustangs, becoming popular on the Austin college campus circuit. The Mustangs released the first soul 45 ever recorded in Austin, “How do You...
With a voice that can go from sweet as a lover's lips to stripping paint off a MoPac freight train at 20 paces, combined with a no retreat no surrender guitar style there is no more authentic Texas blues man than Matthew Robinson
Matthew Robinson, has been recognized by the 2016 Living Blues Critics and Readers Poll Awards as 2016’s “Artist Deserving More Attention.” Robinson is in stellar company appearing alongside blues...