Ken is a singer/songwriter, performing artist, recording artist, music producer, and public speaker, with five albums. Three with Ken Lehnig and the Burning Sage Band and two solo albums, the latest released in November of 2016.
A past Toastmaster's Area Governor ,retired business owner and personal coach. Ken combines motivational talks about collaboration, teamwork, creativity, communication, getting the job done, with related and entertaining songs.
His unique perspective, on getting the job done, is gained from contracting a terminal disease, spending 4 years in a wheelchair in terrible pain, falling into a coma...and surviving. Ken had to learn to walk again, kick morphine addiction, lose 100 lbs. of steroid created weight and make a life again. His view now is that no matter the obstacle or difficulty you don't give up.
Ken hosts a Podcast on the music business on his site:
Ken is a singer/songwriter, performing artist, recording artist, music producer, and public speaker, with five albums. Three with Ken Lehnig and the Burning Sage Band and two solo albums, the latest released in November of 2016.
A past Toastmaster's Area Governor ,retired business owner and personal coach. Ken combines motivational talks about collaboration, teamwork, creativity, communication, getting the job done, with related and entertaining songs.
His unique...