“I don’t want to just be another one of many. I’m here to write the songs I want, be the artist I know I can be and prove that this is where I’m supposed to be.”
Recording artist Dylan Jakobsen is becoming a household name across America. He’s traveled the country more than most would in a lifetime and performed at countless festivals, fairs and clubs in front of few, to thousands and everything in between. Having opened for some of today’s biggest country music staples at the youthful age of 23, Jakobsen has garnered attention throughout the scene from country music diehards to industry professionals. Rest assured, overnight success isn’t something that Jakobsen is interested in and he’s working night and day to show that. “I’ll never be one to want anything just handed to me. I’ve learned so much about myself and who I’ve grown to be through my experiences, trials and triumphs,” Dylan continues “I’m thankful for that.”
"Silverado," Dylan’s debut single to country radio serves as a small taste of what he has to offer through his first full-length record, From Where I Began, mixed by Nashville’s resident “go-to” guy, Billy Decker. “Billy’s mixes are one of a kind and elevate each song to their full potential. If you look at the people he’s worked with [Chris Young, Sam Hunt, Parmalee], you can hear in each hit that he’s the guy that makes your songs stand out.” From Where I Began proves that the underdog can still make a splash in this industry as Jakobsen shines through, crafting the perfect formula for a song that both modern country fans and traditionalists alike can appreciate. In that, his songwriting prowess shows. Whether it’s through the tear-jerking “Remember When,” upbeat anthem “All Nighter,” or the powerful military salute of the harmonica laced “Wake Me Up,” Jakobsen’s songwriting stretches far beyond his years.
Those who have witnessed the bearded Seattle native live can testify to the energy and raw emotion he pours onto the stage every night. Alongside a deep, rich voice with gritty undertones, melodic harmonica solos top a rock driven rhythm and only add to the dynamic performers finesse making him a show you don’t want to miss. While his vocals set the tone for a fresh breath of air in the scene, what’s most impressive may be Dylan’s ability to play more than 8 instruments fluently; a skill he uses when writing and tracking new songs. “By the time I was 16, I’d saved up enough money to purchase a 8 Track Portastudio that I could record myself on; laying down instruments one at a time until I had put together complete songs.” Jakobsen notes. And though he’s updated his home set up since then, on off days you can still catch him penning songs and recording the instruments, layer by layer, before he takes the track into the studio.
Even with all that’s been accomplished thus far, Country wasn’t something born into Jakobsen’s bloodline. Being raised in a small suburb outside of Seattle, in an area largely known for its world-renowned coffee and prolific grunge era, Dylan, by no surprise, never saw himself growing up to be a country singer. “I was a kid with the dream to go out there and play the big stage but in a whole other world. I fell in love with rock music across the board from Pearl Jam, Bon Jovi and Lynyrd Skynyrd to many of the newer rock artists in the early 2000s I heard in my Dad’s car. When I started playing guitar, I spent all my free time sitting down and learning the songs that I heard on [his] radio before I got the courage to write my own.” You can still hear that influence being portrayed through his music today.
Soon after, Jakobsen found himself enthralled with the stories and meanings behind the songs and not just the instruments that bring them to life. “The thing that really hit me hard when I first heard Country music is the way every song had a story to tell. Country has this way of connecting with the fans that you just can’t get in any other genre and I love that.” And since that day, Dylan has been putting everything he can into crafting his talent and showing the world what he has to offer.
“Nothing’s ever felt more right. I'm just creating the kind of music I love and Country’s [become] a part of me.”