Bristol Kids Band
The Villages, FL
Acoustic Pop
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About Bristol Kids Band

Bristol Kids are a husband & wife songwriting duo from the Great Lakes region of British Canada and Upstate New York. James & Keri Walsh met on the beach in California, and in 2002 formed Bristol Kids Band 500 feet from the famous spot in Venice Beach where the Doors were formed by Jim Morrison and Ray Manzarek.
Bristol Kids signed a 3 album deal with a Nashville Label, ODR, July 2016. Bristol Kids are currently working on new songs for their 2nd studio album to be released Summer 2018. Their first album “Wireless Dreams” is available on iTunes, Amazon, Google Play and CD Baby. "Wireless Dreams" produced three #1 Hits on Number One Music Streaming Channel, and gained internet and satellite radio airplay worldwide.

Bristol Kids are a husband & wife songwriting duo from the Great Lakes region of British Canada and Upstate New York. James & Keri Walsh met on the beach in California, and in 2002 formed Bristol Kids Band 500 feet from the famous spot in Venice Beach where the Doors were formed by Jim Morrison and Ray Manzarek.
Bristol Kids signed a 3 album deal with a Nashville Label, ODR, July 2016. Bristol Kids are currently working on new songs for their 2nd studio...

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