Nerstrand, MN
Alternative Dance
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About Breakthrough

"We write, collaborate and practice intensively," explained Drew, "in order to forge music of the highest quality that we are capable."
- Today Magazine -

Breakthrough is made up of 6 siblings from small town MN with a haunting sound that will leave you asking yourself some deep questions. But when they aren't haunting your thoughts they're making you laugh and dance to their new sounds with two guitarists/bassists switching places, one enthusiastic lead female singer, an inspiring pianist, one drummer that loves to groove and a tall violinist. Your world will never be the same, but you won't mind, because they will be there to answer your questions before and after the show.

"We write, collaborate and practice intensively," explained Drew, "in order to forge music of the highest quality that we are capable."
- Today Magazine -

Breakthrough is made up of 6 siblings from small town MN with a haunting sound that will leave you asking yourself some deep questions. But when they aren't haunting your thoughts they're making you laugh and dance to their new sounds with two guitarists/bassists switching places, one enthusiastic lead female singer,...

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