Archie Bellz
Seattle, WA
R&B Rap/Hip-Hop
2 subscribers
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About Archie Bellz

Smooth sounding with a edgy yet thoughtful kind of artist that isn't afraid to reach to higher levels. Haven taken years to develop this style with a blend of 90's artist and injecting it with adrenaline & ADHA. I think you'll find him to be very interesting and entertaining at the same time. Some even say that... His "Unusually Regular".

Smooth sounding with a edgy yet thoughtful kind of artist that isn't afraid to reach to higher levels. Haven taken years to develop this style with a blend of 90's artist and injecting it with adrenaline & ADHA. I think you'll find him to be very interesting and entertaining at the same time. Some even say that... His "Unusually Regular".
